A few years ago news about bio-based nylon started to pop up. Each article mentioned an Italian-based company named Fulgar and a material named EVO. EVO® by Fulgar has made its way to the textile industry and as many put it, revolutionized the sportswear clothing sector.
100% biodegradable origin
The EVO material is made of castor oil which is a vegetable oil that is pressed from castor beans. The plant that grows the beans (which are actually seeds) is known as Ricinus communis. It grows in arid regions not suited for other forms of agriculture. As it’s not edible, it means by growing it you do not waste food or land. It is also very undemanding, easy to take care of, and easy to cultivate. Regrowth is also quick with a low impact on resources.

Production phase
The oils found in castor beans contain small isolated molecules which are combined to produce a polymer. The polymerization process needs less energy since the molecules in the castor beans are already in the smallest form which means there is no need to break them up further by chemical processes. This simpler process is also known as photochemistry. Unlike petroleum-based chemistry, this only needs energy for synthesis.
The polymer that is created is 100% organic origin, but the polymerization process eventually turns it into plastic. It is more sustainable compared to other polyamides due to its production, but the material is not bio-degradable. It also takes about 70 years to biodegrade in the soil which is similar to other petroleum-based polyamides.
Properties of castor oil fibres
The fiber is suitable for all textile applications but is ideal for the sportswear sector. It is characterized as:
- ultra-light
- stretchy, with great elasticity
- very breathable
- rapidly drying
- with great odor control
- with thermo isolation
The textile also has bright colors since its chemical structure ensures excellent dyeing even in low temperatures.
EVO® by Fulgar is definitely a breakthrough in the textile industry and a step closer towards a more sustainable fashion industry. Yes, it is not perfect as it is not bio-degradable, but the production process is much more environment friendly compared to petroleum-based polyamides: it helps to save land, water and reduces CO2 emissions. So next time you buy sportswear and see a sign advertising an EVO fabric, you are not as confused and know it’s a better choice compared to other stretchy fabrics that have a petroleum-based origin.